Adamello Ski Raid Adamello Ski Raid La grande course
Edizione 2019

2019 Edition will be recovered the 18th of April 2020

The seventh edition of Adamello Ski Raid it will be exceptionally disputed in 2020. The organizing Commitee, according with “La Grande Couse” circuit, has decided to recover the race canceled the last April because of the heavy snowfall at high altitude with a special edition scheduled for Saturday 18th of April 2020.
It is a great effort, say the Adamello Ski Raid President, Alessandro Mottinelli, a very organising and economic effort addressed to all fans of great ski mountaineering competitions, to which we would give the chance to enjoy as soon as possible of the beauty and technicality of Adamello glaciers without waiting for other two years. We felt obbligated of the over 700 fans that had decided to be among the protagonist the last seventh of April, but even for the others skialper that will be able to get involved next year and will also be able to programm the next winter workout.
Adamello Ski Raid, Ponte di Legno, Passo del Tonale and Presena glaicer will be the protagonist for the next biennium. Will start in November 2019 with Adamello Ski Raid Junior, the classic opening competition dedicated to the youngest; than the 18th of April 2020 the seventh Ski Raid Edition ; again the junior challenge in November 2020 and the eighth Edition of” Grande Course” in April 2021. A strong signal of this territory which is candidate to became the Capital of World Ski. The testimony of prestige arrives from the race in pairs golden book that take place in famous places, theaters of the Great War, remembered from the Pope Giovanni Paolo II to who is dedicated an altar in quote. Even if it is a young competition in its six editions they imposed top athlets as Matteo Eydallin and Damiano Lenzi for twice, than the french William Bon Mardion and Mathèo Jacquemod, for the female the Swiss Jennifer Fiechter with the french Axelle Mollaret finally the spanish Valeria Mireia Mirò with the french Laetitia Roux for three times.
All that remains is the dry training in view of intense competition on Adamello, conclude the patron Alessandro Mottinelli – in Autumn will keep you informed about the next organising details.

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