Adamello Ski Raid Adamello Ski Raid La grande course

Regulation 2023

Updated March 15, 2023

1. Introduction

The Adamello Ski Team in collaboration with the Ponte di Legno Tonale Consortium is organizing the eighth edition of the Adamello Ski Raid, an international ski mountaineering race in teams of two athletes, which can be of different nationalities. It is included in the Grande Course calendar and held concurrently with the third edition of the ISMF World Championship Long Distance Team. The event will take place on Saturday, March 25, 2023, and if the weather conditions are unfavorable, it may be postponed by 24 hours.

2. Participation requirements

The race course has a total uphill elevation gain of 3,300 meters and a length of 39 km. It winds through a high mountain course and includes overcoming mountaineering difficulties. The Adamello Ski Raid is strongly influenced by general and high-altitude weather conditions: it may be postponed, the course may be modified or, in extreme cases, cancelled. Due to these characteristics, participating in the Adamello Ski Raid requires: - a good knowledge of high mountain terrain and its pitfalls, the ability to manage any unforeseen events such as strong winds and very low temperatures - good psycho-physical preparation, a spirit of collaboration and solidarity, unconditional acceptance of the rules set out in this regulation and of what is arranged by the Race Direction.
To participate, competitors must have been born in 2002 or earlier, possess the membership card of their national federation, the Grande Course 2023-2024 card, and the certificate of suitability for competitive sports activity issued by a sports doctor and valid at the date of the race. Each athlete must present and sign, under their own responsibility, a brief ski mountaineering and mountaineering curriculum attesting to the races completed, high mountain experience and knowledge of its characteristics. The curriculum of each athlete is decisive for the evaluation of admission or exclusion from the team: registration requests in which athletes have not completed this part will not be considered. The team name may refer to the Ski Club, the sports association of belonging, the sponsor or other. In case of choices deemed inappropriate, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to modify the team name using the surnames of the two athletes..

3. Registration

350 TEAMS ARE ALLOWED. This number may vary depending on the mountain conditions and in any case at the unquestionable decision of the race direction. The best classified in the Grande Course circuit races and the most prestigious specialty competitions have priority. Athletes are required to submit their registration to the Organizing Committee of the Adamello Ski Raid, which, after examining the requirements of each, will provide confirmation after verifying medical suitability. Once the 350 confirmed teams have been reached, the exceeding teams with suitable characteristics for admission will be placed on a waiting list and gradually selected in case of withdrawal of other teams.
The registration fee is € 400.00 for each admitted team and includes for each athlete: race organization, safety and assistance services during the event, refreshments along the course, 1 participation prize (starter gift) offered by the technical sponsor Montura, the first refreshment in the arrival area, lunch on the day of the race.
The fee DOES NOT include accommodation: teams must make their own reservations. Starting from January 28, 2023, a link with the affiliated facilities and reference numbers to request information will be available on this website.
Registration can only be made through this website. Payment must be made at the time of registration. In case of non-acceptance of the team due to insufficient curriculum, the entire fee will be refunded.
Opening date for registration: January 28, 2023
Closing date for registrations: March 18, 2023
Communication of acceptance of teams: March 20, 2023
Until March 18, 2023, it is permitted to change athletes within a regularly registered team that is up to date with payments.
Payment must be made by bank transfer to BANCA INTESA 25056 Ponte di Legno (Bs) - Italy Consorzio Adamello Ski, IBAN IT08G0306954991100000000791 - BIC BCITITMM.
The acceptance of registrations made after the closing deadline is at the unquestionable decision of the Organizing Committee. Registrations will be closed in advance upon reaching 350 teams.
By registering, participants relieve the organizers of any civil and criminal liability towards persons and things for damages that may occur during and after the race related to it.

4. Cancellation

In case adverse snow and weather conditions prevent the race from taking place, the race will be canceled and the registration fees will NOT be refunded.

5. Equipment

Each athlete is aware of and directly responsible for all the equipment used during the race. By registering, the athlete guarantees the technical efficiency of their own equipment and its compliance with the current regulations. For safety reasons, each individual athlete must carry their own equipment, except for skis and skins, which can be carried, on foot sections, by their teammate; the skis must be attached to the back of the backpack; it is prohibited to carry the skis on the front of the athlete, from shoulder to shoulder, or to transport them without securing them to the backpack with the appropriate safety straps. In case of equipment failure, replacement is allowed at the start within the first few meters after the launch in the designated areas delimited by the organization, and along the route exclusively at the checkpoints. The organization is not obliged to provide replacement equipment for athletes.
Personal and team equipment will be checked at the end of the race, in a special closed park set up at the finish line and, if deemed necessary by the judges, at any other stage of the race from the moment of the delivery of the bib until half an hour after the finish. During accreditation in Ponte di Legno, equipment will be checked and punched. To access the starting area, the functioning of the ARTVA must be verified.

Minimum mandatory equipment for each competitor:
-A pair of ski mountaineering skis: minimum height of 160 cm for men and 150 cm for women, equipped with metal edges for at least 90% of their length, with a minimum width of 60 mm, measured at the center of the ski, the narrowest part. The measurements declared by the manufacturer, who assumes total responsibility for such declaration, are considered;
- A pair of ski mountaineering boots: the boots must be high enough to cover the ankles, must be prepared for the quick and safe attachment of crampons, must be equipped with both closure devices for the shell and the leg, and a lock for the inclination between the leg and the shell. All closure systems and ski boot soles marketed by manufacturers are considered regulatory, provided that they are not modified. Other types of soles and modified soles are also allowed, provided they meet the following requirements: - the outer minimum surface area of the notches, in contact with the ground, must be equal to 1 cm2; - the sole must be made of rubber-like material such as vibram or similar; - the sole of each individual boot must be notched and must cover at least 75% of the surface; - the minimum number of notches per boot must be 23, of which 15 in the front part and 8 on the heel; – the minimum depth of the notches must be 4 mm;
- A pair of bindings: the bindings must be of the ski mountaineering type from the same manufacturer. They can be equipped with ski stoppers or safety straps, at the discretion of the competitor. They must have the possibility of locking the boot in the rear for the descent and must have front and lateral safety release systems in the toe and heel areas. For ISMF members, the use of ski stoppers is mandatory;
- A pair of poles with a maximum diameter not exceeding 25 mm, excluding the padding. Metal washers are prohibited;
- A thermal blanket with a surface area of 180 cm 2;
- An international standard ARTVA (avalanche transceiver) worn in contact with the body, functioning in receive and transmit mode throughout the entire race. The DVA (digital avalanche transceiver) must be equipped with a 3-antenna receiving system, compliant with the EN 300718 standard, frequency 457 kHz;
- A snow shovel with a handle: the assembled shovel, with the handle and spoon, must have a minimum length of 50 cm, and the spoon measures must be at least 20x20 cm. It must not have undergone any modifications. The term "snow shovel" is given by the manufacturer who assumes responsibility for this denomination and its functionality;
- A snow probe with a minimum length of 240 cm and a minimum diameter of 10 mm. It must not have undergone any modifications. The term "snow probe" is defined by the manufacturer who assumes responsibility for the definition and functionality;
- A backpack with shoulder straps, equipped with 2 ski-carrying loops, capable of containing all the material provided for by the regulations. The pocket that serves as a crampon holder must have a closure towards the back of the backpack;
- 2 pairs of climbing skins. It is strictly prohibited, for environmental reasons, to use or apply adhesive tape or similar materials to improve the sliding of the skins - Clothing for the lower body: three layers. A base layer, a pair of pants or a suit the size of the competitor, and a pair of windproof overpants with thermal padding (minimum weight 250 g);
- Clothing for the upper body: three layers with long sleeves the size of the competitor;
- A base layer, a suit or a second long-sleeved layer, and a windproof jacket with thermal padding (synthetic or feather, minimum weight 300 g). One of the worn items (second or third layer) must have a hood;
- Gloves: must cover the entire hand up to the wrist and must be worn for the entire duration of the race;
- A spare pair of mittens;
- A pair of filtering sunglasses;
- 1 ski mask;
- A helmet with UIAA 106 and EN 1077 class B standards; EN 12492 and EN 1077 class B standards. The helmet must be worn and fastened throughout the race;
- A UIAA standard 105 approved harness, unmodified;
- A UIAA - Standard 121 approved "ferrata kit"; UIAA standard 128;
- A pair of crampons with a minimum of 10 points and a minimum height of 3 cm, which must be carried in the backpack point to point and must have the safety straps fastened during their use. They must not have undergone any modifications.

Minimum mandatory equipment for the team:
- dynamic rope (UIAA 101 standard) approved as a single rope, with a minimum diameter of 8.5mm and a length of 20m. Elastic supports are not allowed;
- a spare pair of sunglasses;
- a first aid kit containing: an elastic bandage, latex gloves, sterile gauze compresses, plasters, disinfectant wipes, and a whistle.
The organization reserves the right to reject any equipment that is deemed defective or inadequate.

6. Behavior during the race

The route will be fully marked with appropriate colored poles/flags, which must be followed faithfully. Throughout the race, teams must move autonomously and self-sufficiently, without any external help or assistance except for the supplies provided by the organization. The maximum distance between the two team members must not exceed 20 meters. Teams will leave the checkpoint together, and only when their registration has been recorded by the checkpoint official. Competitors must keep their race numbers clearly visible along the entire course. Any equipment adjustments must be made exclusively in the areas specifically designated by the organization and the Jury, without any external assistance. Competitors are required to assist each other in case of need. Any competitor who is overtaken must immediately give way to the competitor who requests it, except for the sections where the organization prohibits it. Teams must proceed along the route according to the progression technique imposed by the organization and the Jury (failure to do so will result in disqualification). Teams that are out of time or in difficulty must abandon the race only at a checkpoint, where they will be instructed on the procedures for returning. In case of an accident, the nearest checkpoint or rescue service must be notified. It is forbidden to use the towing cord in the sections where skis are carried in the backpack.

7. Jury, penalties and disqualifications

8th ADAMELLO SKI RAID 3rd World Championship Long Distance Team Race
Jury: ISMF (President + 1st Referee + Technical Delegate + Event Director)

Jury: FISI (Technical Delegate + Assistant + LGC Technical Delegate + Race Director)

8. Protests

All decisions will be at the unquestionable discretion of the Jury. For offenses that carry penalties from 1 minute to disqualification, the severity of the penalty will be determined based on the gravity of the offense and the race context in which it was committed. Any protests must be submitted to the Jury in writing within 15 minutes of the publication of the official rankings signed by the Jury President. All protests must be accompanied by a fee of € 50.00, which will not be refunded if the protest is rejected.

9. Doping

Anti-doping controls will be carried out.

10. Detailed informations

The presence of at least one member of each team is mandatory at the briefing, which will be held on March 24, 2023, at 6:00 pm at the Palazzetto dello Sport in Ponte di Legno. The race director may modify both the route and the maximum time limits for the checkpoints or suspend the race, considering it concluded with the order of arrival at the point of suspension, due to particular weather conditions or exceptional circumstances that occur before or during the race.
The following time limits for the checkpoints are provided:
- Passo Presena: 2:30 h from the start
- Lobbie: 5:45 h from the start

11. Abandonment

Abandonment of a competitor in difficulty, whether spontaneous or at the decision of the organization, must necessarily take place at the nearest checkpoint, where the competitor will be entrusted to the rescue personnel. The teammate must follow the organization's instructions.

12. Course

Go to the dedicated page

13. Categories

  • Female Senior / Master
  • Male Senior / Master
  • Mixed teams fall into the male category.

11. Rankings

- Women's Senior / Master
- Men's Senior / Master
- Mixed teams fall under the men's category

12. Rankings

Rankings will be drawn up for:

World Championship Long Distance Team

  • 1st placed team € 2,000
  • 2nd placed team € 1,500
  • 3rd placed team € 1,000
  • 4th placed team € 800
  • 5th placed team € 600

Adamello Ski Raid Senior male:

  • 1st placed team € 2,000
  • 2nd placed team € 1,600
  • 3rd placed team € 1,400
  • 4th placed team € 1,000
  • 5th placed team € 800
  • 6th placed team € 700
  • 7th - 10th placed teams € 800
Senior female:
  • 1st placed team € 2,000
  • 2nd placed team € 1,600
  • 3rd placed team € 1,400
  • 4th placed team € 1,000
  • 5th placed team € 800

The first 10 teams of the men's master category and the first 5 of the women's master category will also be awarded.

For anything not covered by our regulations, ISMF members must refer to the ISMF one.

Reglement du Adamello Ski Raid 2023

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