Adamello Ski Raid Adamello Ski Raid La grande course ISMF
Edizione 2015

The Adamello Ski Raid preparations are underway

After the positive experience with the junior race at the end of November, the Adamello Ski Raid Organizing Committee is already working on the 2015 edition with the first meeting in early December. The diverse group encompassed all the aspects, including race, technical and safety components, with a great spirit of collaboration.
The big news of the 2015 edition will be the dedicated women start from Passo Paradiso. «Passo Paradiso is the ideal amphitheater for a women start. A moment just for them with photographers and cameras. As organizers we realized that it is time to emphasize women’s race, as it has been often overshadowed», said the president of the organizing committee Alessandro Mottinelli.

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